
 I The institutional framework


Heino Nau - DG MARE, European Commission

Vincent Toumazou - DG GROW, European Commission


 II Infrastructure and DIAS


Craig Donlon - ESA

Nick Hughes - KEPLER-project, H2020

Lieven Bydekerke - DG GROW, European Commission

Tanja Zegers - DG GROW, European Commission


 III Polar applications of Copernicus - Climate change & safeguarding the Arctic environment


Carlo Buontempo - ECMWF 

Andrew Shepherd - UK Center for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM) / University of Leeds

Matilde Brandt Kreiner - Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)

Stef Lhermitte - EarthMapps (TUDelft)

Paola Belingheri - IceKing GmbH


 IV Polar applications of Copernicus - Sustainable development in and around the Arctic


Gilles Garric - Mercator Ocean

Snorre Greil - Icelandic Coast Guard

Jani Poutiainen - FMI

Stefan Hendricks - Drift + Noise Polar Services

Lars-Anders Breivik - Norwegian Meteorological Institute


 V Polar applications of Copernicus - International cooperation on Arctic issues


Vincent Jean Paul B. Drouin - National Land Survey of Iceland

Shridhar Jawak - University Centre in Svalbard (SIOS)

Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir - University of Iceland